• My name is Olu Brown, and I recently transitioned from launching a successful church plant to coaching and consulting full-time. I am a native of Lufkin, Texas. I graduated from Jarvis Christian College in Hawkins, Texas, and earned a Master of Divinity degree from Gammon Theological Seminary of the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

  • I served as the Lead and Founding Pastor of Impact Church, a young congregation in the East Point community of Metropolitan Atlanta (impactdcd.org). Through my leadership, since its founding in 2007, Impact has grown from a core team of 25 people to more than 5,000 online and in-person viewers with a $4M budget. It was listed as the number 5 Fastest-Growing Large United Methodists Churches, 2018 Edition.

    Inspired by my work through the local church and training and supporting leaders, I pivoted to coaching and consulting leaders, churches, and organizations full-time through my brand, “Normalizing Next®”. Normalizing Next® is when you are no longer afraid to do your best to prepare for and strategize so that you can be fully successful. When leaders and congregations determine that next is not to be feared but embraced and that as they engage in creative and innovative thinking and partnerships, they will begin living their future now.

  • Spirituality


    Change Management


    Raising Generosity

    Developing People and Teams

    Church and Organization Development

    Community Connections and Outreach

    Hope and Faith

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